Mkt Cap 6.37B 2015/01/14の時価総額は63.7億ドル(6370億円※100円ベース換算)
Market Cap: 646.42B 6464.2億ドル(64兆円)なので、ちょうど1/100の規模だ。
Apple Patents A Wireless Action Camera And Wrist-Based Remote
うん、これはApple WATCH発売と同時に、思い白い動きがあるのかも!!!
Apple’s patent aims to differentiate itself from the crowd by offering users a range of choices as to how to shoot with the device, including remotely via a wrist-mounted control device that communicates wirelessly with the camera gadget, and which can provide it with updated information in real-time. The remote also features a low-power mode for stand operation while conserving battery.
Publication of the patent has apparently led to a decline in GoPro stock today, as noted by CNN Money, but investors can probably relax: Apple patents a lot of tech, and hardly any of it ever makes it to market as consumer products. An action camera, which appears to double as a rugged point-and-shoot, seems about as likely a product to come out of Apple as a head-mounted Google Glass competitor in the near future – which is to say it isn’t likely at all.
米GoPro(ゴープロ)は(2014/09/30)30日、装着型のデジタルカメラ「HERO4」シリーズ新製品を発表した。最上位機種「HERO4 Black」は映像処理技術を向上させ、3840×2160ドットの4K動画も撮影できる。 ゴープロは2004年創業のスタートアップ。米Woodman Labs(ウッドマンラボ)がゴープロブランドを所有し、開発・販売にあたってきた。今年6月にGoPro Inc.としてナスダックに上場。時価総額は一時48億ドル(約4900億円)にも達している。なお、ニコンの時価総額は現在6315億円。 ゴープロは広角レンズで動画が撮影できるシンプルなカメラ。2009年に初代機を発売し、3代目にあたる「HERO3」までに累計300万台を売り上げ、2013年度の売上高は約9億8600万ドル(約1078億円)。