クアラルンプールのmingle hostel滞在も、早や3週間目。連日このホステルのルーフトップのプライベートルームから、世界の若者といろんな話を英語でしている。
My stay in mingle hostel in Kuala Lumpur is also early and third week. From the private room of the roof top of this hostel every day, I am speaking English with young people all over the world.
British Rebecca, Indian Papa and British mama Libya are Americans of New Yorkers, but Daddy is Lebanese, Mama is mixed with more than four countries and he does not know Origins.
Think about it …, only Japanese people showed gestures of Japanese comrades, Bakobako … for 2000 years in domestic domestic, bakayake!
We will return as having been basking around the world (laugh).
That’s right … …, suddenly they are drinking with them and noticed. The nationalities they are thinking are the differences between the countries, which is different from race nationalities. However, our Japanese have the same race and country for over two thousand years. It is only a few years ago to Asia. There are fewer people who have it in memory anymore.
The countries of China, Korea, Japan and their compatriots tend to be overwhelmingly closed. China will make Chinatown in every country and make their special zone economically overseas. In a way different from British colonization. Because Korea is small in its home country, English education is compelling and the competition is intense compared to Japan.
And although European countries and Asian countries are landslide, Japan must make efforts and it is difficult to interact with foreign countries. Russia is unique on that point in a different way.
Britain is also an island country, but it is different from Japan in many ways, such as actively colonization, continuing to succeed, being unable to be bound by farmland due to industrial revolution, buying and selling slaves. That is why the withdrawal from the EU is a problem. Even though it is only an island country, the British Empire has colonialized all over the world.
ASEAN countries = developing countries, but they have made tremendous progress such as Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. A Malaysian luxury condo is still a building rush all the time. A luxury condo that the Japanese envy is equal to the one room in Tokyo. Pool, gym and internet are commonplace. The price of the living environment is one third and the housing environment is ten times.
Half of Japan’s GDP, but the 700 million ASEAN market
And even though the 10 ASEAN member countries are combined, it is half of the Japanese GDP, 2.4 trillion dollars (265 trillion 29.6 billion yen), but it has a population of 620 million people, exceeding 500 million people in the whole EU. It will be 700 million by 2030.
These developing countries and others are quite close to the situation where the Internet and smart phones descended suddenly in the Showa era after the war. It is growing with a smartphone to that growth after that war. This is quite exciting growth.
Interaction with various worlds is tough. And here, Malaysia is a multi-ethnic, multi-religious melting pot. Diversity is important, there are all values of values. I feel no cramped feeling like mutual surveillance like in Japan.
The longer the Japanese national policy is delayed, the closer to the national era will be born with barriers to entry by Japanese full of young and old people.
How should Japan be involved in the growth of ASEAN …? That is to eliminate foreign consciousness in Asia. Japanese red passport is not just for traveling. It is a tool for getting back and forth to the world, and reliability is guaranteed. After that, it is overcoming the image we are not good at tightening ourselves.
From Tokyo, English has become popular, I have to feel like going to Osaka by airplane. About that, English is normal.
First of all, you should jump out to the world as a young man, not as a narrow country like the UK before, but as you saw the world, you should see the Asian region as a big market.
In that sense, 2020 is a key point in many ways. In Japan, the Olympic Games is one goal, but in Asia, I do not even know where next will be the Olympic Games. If you tell Japan, “Oh, that’s …”. It is. No more than that. It’s an event that ends at most in a few weeks.
Rather, we should think about what Japan should be, not every one of us to leave it to the country or political party.
Fortunately, Asia is still cheap, so I think that I should handle it now.
I would like to continue providing business opportunities for Japanese people who feel in Asia.